Bursa Stock Screeners

Here is a list of data sources for investment idea. If you don’t know what to do for your investment, read here rather than roll the dice. You will find here a collection of free bursa stock screeners that you can use to help your analysis.

    1. Bursa Marketplace Stock Screener

      Bursa Marketplace Stock Screener

      Bursa Marketplace Stock Screener

      I discovered this screener just recently. I find it very visually appealing. Most importantly, I found companies that pay high dividend that were out of my radar previously using this screener.

    2. MalaysiaStock.biz Report Analysis



      This site provides several pre-defined lists of dividend paying stocks for reference. You are unable to customize the list. However, you can still get the info you want from it.

    3. FT Markets Screener

      FT Markets Screener

      FT Markets Screener

      This screener not only works for local KLSE markets, it also screens stocks at foreign markets in Australia, Singapore and so on. It is a global stock screener.

    4. Klse.i3investor Price Target

      Klse.i3investor Price Target

      Klse.i3investor Price Target

      Look for target prices provided by major banks.

    5. TradeSignum Screener

      TradeSignum Screener

      TradeSignum Screener

      This site provides mainly technical analysis for the stocks prices.

    6. KLSE Screener V2

      KLSE Screener V2

      KLSE Screener V2

      Handy screener.

    7. KLSE.info Market Watch

      KLSE.info Market Watch

      KLSE.info Market Watch

      Look at the market summary.

    8. Hlebroking theScreener

      Hlebroking theScreener

      Hlebroking theScreener

      Note: Available for Hlebroking users only.

      This screener is very simple to use and it only provides little parameters to adjust.

    9. EquitiesTracker.com



      Note: Available for Hlebroking users only.

      Compare companies from the same market segment.

    10. Stock Performance Guide

      Sample page

      Note: Read here for examples.

      I use it all the time. It cost RM 70 and you can get it from Popular bookstore.

    11. Reuters Stock Screener

      Reuters Stock Screener

      Reuters Stock Screener

      It has a universe of more than 200K stocks to screen including Malaysian market.
    12. [Update: July 2015] BURSA Screener

      Bursa Screener

      Bursa Screener

      This is my new favorite stock screener for Bursa. It includes all the hard-to-find financial ratios like DE (Debt-to-Equity), Earnings Growth, Net Margin, etc.
    13. [Update: March 2017] Investing.com

      Stock Screener from Investing.com

      Stock Screener from Investing.com

      Another screener. I discover it when trying to find stock screener for Indonesian market.

Other resources

bursamalaysia.com: You can find the financial reports of all the listed companies in Malaysia from this website. Reading the financial report is the most fundamental and direct way to learn about a company.

You can also get the market news from newspaper, financial magazine, etc.




http://www.investalks.com/forum/forum.php (Chinese)

Forums also contain useful data that you can refer to before making any investment decisions.


List of bloggers (Chinese)

There are many bloggers who do lots of homework and share their finding on their blogs. Go and read blogs now!